Sprinkle On Some Goodness

Random Acts of Kindness

“A life lived without purpose or value, the kind in which one doesn’t know the reason why one was born, is joyless and lackluster.  To just live, eat, and die without any real sense of purpose surely represents a life pervaded by the life-state of animals.  On the other hand, to do, create, or contribute something that benefits others, society and ourselves and to dedicate ourselves as long as we live up to that challenge–that is a life of true satisfaction, a life of value.  It is a humanistic and lofty way to live.”  -Daisaku Ikeda

Nichiren Daishonin taught that when a person gives with sincerity or nourishes life, the giver and receiver both benefit.  In other words, by supporting life in some way, you are at the same time supporting your own life as well.  When you give to help another, you also receive a benefit in return.  Do your part to support life, create value, and give something meaningful to your community.  By committing a simple act of kindness you can make a big difference and be a model for others to do the same.  Remember, it’s the little things that matter the most.

10 Random Acts of Kindness You Might Enjoy

  1. Buy a bag of groceries for someone in need.
  2. Pay the bridge toll for the driver behind you.  (I’ve experienced this a few times as a receiver in the Bay Area and it made my day every time!)
  3. Send someone a card telling them how wonderful you think they are.
  4. Buy a hot meal for someone who is homeless.
  5. Make some cookies or bake a pie for your neighbor.
  6. Know of someone who is going out-of-town?  Offer to drive them to the airport.
  7. Donate books and/or clothing to a school or shelter in need.
  8. Neighbor’s car won’t start?  Give ’em a jump.
  9. Dog sit for a friend.
  10. Offer to help a struggling co-worker.